I think I'll will break out in hives and then itch until I bleed and cause scars if I have to really think back on my experience flying home, so I'll safe my skin and give just a snapshot glimpse into our adventure home.
It was terrible. Absolutely. Horrible! Our first flight home was by far the worst experience of my young life, yet. We were up at 5:00 Wednesday morning to get on the 6:00 bus out of Humprheys to Seoul. We arrived just before 8:00. The gates in the airport are not the same as the gates in the states. There is not a Delta check-in counter per say. There are lots of counters and only at a designated time do Delta attendants take their position at the gate. This meant a lot of down time before the gate opened at 9:50. We walked and walked, and crawled around, but mostly did a lot of crying, haha. Finally we were through and God was watching over me, preparing me for the living hell I was about to experience on the flight. There was a great play area for kids to burn off all their energy while they waited. It was only a short walk to our gate, so we spent a solid 2 hours here before boarding.
Isn't this place awesome!!!
The Flight. Air time - 12 hours. Crying Time - 8 hours. Sleeping Time - 2 hrs. If that gives any mother who has flown with an infant any idea of how my trip went multiply that times two. It was a huge plane - two levels and it was packed. I got death glares from everyone on the plane, including some stewardess. Poor baby Cooper was so excited to see all these things he had never seen before that he just wanted to crawl all around. He sat on my lap in the middle seat - NEVER again! He finally became very tired, but we sat by the bathrooms and the stewardess station. Every time his eyes were about to close, a stewardess would be opening a new can of pop. To sum it up - the guy next to me ordered two vodka and tonics and didn't even save the second vodka for a second drink. I was secretly praying he was ordering the second one for me - Lord knows I needed it!
Regardless of what happened, we made it home for a very important and fantastic wedding weekend! I had such a great time with family and standing next to my 'sister' on her special day! It was absolutely gorgeous and I would (I think) go through the entire flight again to be there!!
Not a great shot of either of us, but it was as good as we could get. Cooper looked absolutely adorable! I thankfully zipped right into my dress as the first time I had tried it on was three days before the wedding!
It took us a while to get adjusted back to Korea time. Cooper down by 6:00 and up ready to party at 4:00. That week was super long, but we made it and had the weekend to catch us up. Since then, we've been busy Christmas shopping as we have to have everything mailed by December 10th in order for it to get home on time. At least it has made me get my Christmas shopping done early! Here's a few shots over the last week!
Painting with Mommy and Daddy!!
Can you find me? It's my new favorite game.
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