Cooper Thomas. He is the light of our lives. I am so thankful for him every day! I have officially been a stay-at-home mom the last two weeks. While I was in Ohio, I had my mom, sister, aunts, and mother-in-law to help out with him. Here, I have no one. I have only met a few people and they are acquaintances at best. I have ALL the respect in the world for stay-at-home moms. Whew! There are days I cannot wait for nap time or bed time! Andy is also working A LOT and there are nights he does not get home until after Cooper has already gone to bed. That being said, I am so in love with these special moments we have got to spend together. He is so funny! He smiles his huge six tooth smile every morning when I go get him from his crib. I also throw him back in bed with me to lay down for a few more minutes. During this time he rolls over and smiles and laughs at me, grabs my nose, eyes, cheeks, ears, and “tries” to give me kisses. I would not trade those mornings for anything! I have also been able to really see his personality come through the last few weeks. He is the “oldest sibling” for sure! (Maybe he gets that from his Momma
We have introduced lots of new foods since he turned 6 months and it has been a blast! There are foods, green beans and peas, that cause him to shake and close his eyes before they get to his lips; there are also foods turkey & rice, chicken & rice, avocados, and bananas that make him move his arms up and down so fast with excitement. The pictures are of him attempting to eat mandarin oranges. They were slippery and so he had a hard time getting them to his mouth, but he eventually got them in! By the end he just enjoyed picking them up and squeezing them to watch the juice run everywhere, haha. I look forward to all the new milestones he will be reaching that we get to experience!
He is so sweet. Enjoy every moment as it goes by so quickly. I hope that you are able to enjoy some of the awesome Korean food. Take care.