It's been so long, I'm surprised Google hasn't deleted my blog by now. But, yes, it's true - we are still here in Korea, doing well and back at blogging :)
My last post was way back in March (totally embarrassing!) just before my parents arrived. While they were here we were all over Seoul and even ventured over to Hong Kong to see what Mickey was up to. It's hard to believe that Cooper wasn't saying anything that resembled words and was just barely walking with confidence.
Fast forward 6 months and he is a totally different kid! He is running everywhere and mimicking everything we are saying and doing! I caught myself shaking my head when I realized I did something wrong and as I looked at Cooper he was shaking his head in the same manner. Too funny! He makes us laugh so hard every day! It's amazing to me that their little personalities are in full swing at such a young age. Everyday he shows us that he truly loves life. He laughs and smiles at the smallest of things. Whether it be a the latest episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse or mom's new dance moves, he is laughing! He also makes us laugh hysterically when he watches Cars - Mater Tales. He loves the trucks and screams BIIIGGG truck every time he watches it. During part of the movie, Mater, starts a band and is screaming into a microphone. Cooper loves to join the band and sing, or scream, along with him! Too cute.
We've also gotten an insight into the world of two-year old stubbornness. He has quite the hard-head on him. His favorite word is NO and not just any no, but a high-pitched, very loud NO! It always comes out at the most appropriate of times - middle of the thirty-minute line at the grocery store, the check-out counter of the PX, as we are leaving for the morning and I'm carrying five bags for school, my breakfast, and coffee...I have to remind myself that these little moments will pass and there will be a day I'll wish he was still so little.
Speaking of reminding myself of these moments in the future, I think another one I don't necessarily appreciate right now but will miss in the future is bedtime. Argh! I need help from my mommas out there! We have the same routine every night - bath, books, brush teeth, music and prayers. Every night I have to lay down with him before he will fall asleep. He tosses and turns, and tosses and turns. He asks for milk, then asks to read another book, and then tosses and turns. After an hour he finally falls asleep and I'm able to be a stealth ninja and leave the room all while saying my prayers that he doesn't hear the toe that just cracked and wake up. It is the most frustrating thing! I have tried leaving the room and letting him cry, but he can crawl out of bed and open the door and come running. I need a break!
Other then that, we are having a blast with him! haha. Things in Korea are going well. Andy was promoted to E6, Staff Sergeant in September and we are coming up on only 6 months left! We couldn't be more excited. While the opportunity to live overseas and experience a new culture is something we will cherish and remember, we have realized we are true Americans and are just dying to get back to a WalMart or Target. As of now, our orders have us reporting to Ft. Campbell, Kentucky and we are praying those do not change! It is about 45 minutes to Nashville and only 6 hours to New Knoxville.
Our next adventure is Hawaii!!! We will be meeting up with my parents, siblings, aunt, uncle and cousins. We've been planning since this summer and it doesn't seem real for it finally be here - but IT IS! We have about 2 weeks until we leave :) I'll have plenty of updates after that! Until then - enjoy a slew of pictures :)
GG and some of her great-grands :) |
Worn out after a day at the fair! |
Morning convo with dad :) |

Hey Mom! |
I think Santa has a new toy to add to his list :) |
Exhausted after the Color Run - haha. |
I was feeling like super mom when I stumbled upon this link while on Pinterest one day. Kate, the creator, designed these printable pieces of road. I printed, cut, and laminated them for hours of fun!! Go to her site - it's awesome :) I mean it - GO! |