Hello readers!!
It's been a while and I wish I could say it was because we were out doing amazing things, but unfortunately the lapse in posting has been due to a pretty boring lifestyle the past month. It wasn't nearly as cold as most of our family has been experiencing in Ohio, but it was cold enough not to go out and do too much. Here is an update on what we have been up to the last couple of weeks.
Cooper is growing up right before our eyes! He got his FIRST haircut two weeks ago!! He did such a great job, too! The lady was great with him and he now looks like a little boy! No more baby here :( He is such a wild man and will not slow down!! He is pretty much running from us at any chance he gets as well as jabbering away. He has settled into daycare and for the first time since we started back in January, he walked into his classroom and as soon as I took off his coat he walked to his friends without looking back. Tears were definitely shed from Mommy this time. I am so happy that he feels comfortable and is loving his new friends, but it does sting a bit to not feel "missed" anymore. I will say the routine for pick-up makes me feel loved again as it never changes - an arms wide open run as soon as he hears Mommy's voice. One of my favorite things to do is sneak into his classroom and watch him from a distance as he plays and learns with his friends. I love to see how he interacts with everyone and he has made me so proud with the way he is learning so far. At home - he is a different story! haha. He is wild and very, very funny. He has started several new things lately, one of which is putting his hand to his mouth and closing his eyes when he 'laughs'. He has learned to fake laugh and thinks its the funniest thing ever. I'm also a bit concerned as he is playing the complete boy card and wanting to wrestle with anything and anyone around! I think we will be in for some trouble in the future. Daredevil should be his middle name. He has no fear when it comes to trying new things. This is great for the times we've gone somewhere new - not so great when he decides to be Houdini on his motorcycle. *Pictures to follow*. Other then that, he has been a great boy the last month. We have transitioned into a toddler bed already. I wish we would have done it sooner!! As soon as we put him in the toddler bed, Mom & Dad got their first full night sleep!! We are chalking it up to the crib seeming too cramped for him and hoping that the trend of sleeping through the night continues. Here are some pictures of him throughout the last month - Enjoy :)
The thing I will definitely miss the most when we eventually have to leave this country are the child play places! They are the best thing every - especially for really cold days or really hot days. There is so much for them to do, workers to come out and play with the children, as well as food and drinks at a discounted rate since you are paying to play!
Don't mind my terrible laugh at the beginning. be assured he was just fine :)
"Mom - I found a new toy!!"
I took his high chair to a local restaurant as I knew it did not have any for us to use. After bringing it home, Cooper found it to be his own recliner! haha.
Whew - what a day! He is obviously a boy and can't hang on a girls shopping day!
I was chopping up his taco in nice bite-size pieces. As I turned to grab my taco, he grabbed his entire taco and went to town! He found it very funny!
Our amazing Korean teacher at school offered to take us through our local market day to explain what items were so we would feel comfortable trying new things. I was soooo happy she did this!! I plan to go again on Monday to get some better pictures, but this is one item I got from the market for Cooper. It is a puffed rice treat that tastes like cereal. Cooper loves them as a snack. I got this whole big bag for just under $3.00.
Being the silly, fearless boy he is!!!
He LOVES to sit in our hallway to look out the window at all the cars/people.
Cooper loves his morning routine and the faucet as you can see!
Cooper LOVES his grandpa and was wishing him a very Happy Birthday!
We had the bumbo seat out for some visitors we have had recently and Cooper was obsessed with his "new" toy!
Don't mind the grainy pictures, but he LOVES to play peek-a-boo!
His buddy Eli was over for the afternoon last weekend. It took them a bit to warm up to each other, but by the end they were playing playing, playing!
Before going to play in yet another play pace, we found the McDonalds! It's always great to have a little taste of home even if it isn't the healthiest thing.
Daddy got to join us on this play-date :)
Cooper had his first date over the Valentine's Day Weekend. He is already starting to go for the older ones ;) Ms. Hadley is just one week older than Cooper and they have been having lots of fun hanging out since Mommy met Hadley's mom at work!
Cooper after his FIRST haircut!! Such a big boy!
Being his silly, silly self!
The following videos are just a glimpse into our crazy evenings here in the Naseman household. He brings such joy to our lives!
Mr. Houdini!
We have a streaker!!

Surprise, Surprise! Andy has been very busy at work. They had a short break from the middle of December through mid-January and then they were back to the grind of late nights and weeks in the field. He is headed back out into the field for two weeks but will be back just in time for my parents to arrive. Oh yes, did I mention - MY PARENTS ARE COMING!!!!! I am more excited then a little kid on Christmas morning! I am so excited for them to get here! I have been planning our agenda for each night to get as much in as we can. They will get the pleasure of hanging out with Cooper during the day while I am at work and then we will sight-see and go out to dinner for the evening. Our one big thing we have planned is to hop over to Hong Kong to see Mickey Mouse and friends at Walt Disney World! Cooper is so obsessed with Mickey and bounces his little legs to the "hot dog" song at every opportunity, so I cannot wait to see his reaction once we go see them. We will also be going to some temples and prime touristy spots of Seoul while we are there. I'm really looking forward to eating at Vato's again! Some of the best food I've had here. I'm also looking forward to showing my parents the culture and people we have gotten to know so far :)
As far as things go for me, I am coming in on the longest stretch of classes with my kiddos. I know, heaven forbid we go 5 days in a row, but when you work for a government school, you are used to having 4 day weeks like every other week. We are about to have 5, 5 day weeks! Yikes! We also have our national testing during that time as well. I have a really awesome ET (new word I've learned this year in the DoDEA system - educational technologist: I'm considering taking some classes to become one of these!) who gave a class on Google Apps and I'm getting ready to use them in our class with a research project. I can't wait for my kids to get started on it as I think they will be able to do some really great things with it! We have access to create items using a green screen and podcasting - I have high hopes! Once we are able to get through March, it will be smooth sailing to the end of the year with spring break included :)
I look forward to updating you again with our adventures through the last week without Daddy here and our time with my parents!